Support Our Dog Park
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Show your support for the development of a Dog Park in the city of Hopewell. Join Girl Scout Troop 5418 of Hopewell in their community action project to give Hopewell dog owners a place to walk their dogs and for their dogs to play and get exercise.
Public dog parks allow dogs to get ample off-leash exercise and social activity with other dogs. When dogs get the adequate physical and mental exercise they need, humans are able to notice a decrease in the level of troublesome behavior from their dogs which will benefit society as well.
Why Should We Have A Dog Park?- Dog parks can act as a gathering spot for pet parents. They bring their pets to the park to get exercise and socialize with other pets. Dog owners do the same thing. While the dogs are playing, community members are more likely to form relationships, participate in conversation and exchange community information such as events, doctors, and veterinarians.
- As leash laws continue to become increasingly restrictive, many community public leadership committees are seeing dog parks as a way to let dogs run free without penalty to pet owners or damage to private property. Dog parks also promote safety because the pet owners are not walking on busy streets.
- Public canine parks allow dogs to get ample off-leash exercise and social activity with other animals. When dogs get the adequate physical and mental exercise they need, humans are able to notice a decrease in the level of troublesome behavior from their dogs which will benefit society as well.