Bea Botelho 0

Support Marginalized Students At Curry College

185 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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185 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To the Curry College Administration,

In response to the bias related incidents and hate crimes occurring on campus, primarily those that occurred during the Fall semester of the 2016-2017 calendar year, and the administration's lack of proper procedures to handle these issues, we as members of the Curry College community expressed that we wished to work with administration to better our campus and to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff, and faculty. Unfortunately, this climate has yet to be created. To assist with the development and implementation of positive change, we have compiled a list of demands and solutions to the issues that a multitude of members of the Curry College community have repeatedly expressed:

  1. We demand a more robust, accountable and transparent BIRT protocol
    1. Make the protocol accessible to everybody by including it, along with other resources, on the school website (not just the portal) and have an icon on the portal.**
      1. Include a page for victim resources on both the myCurry portal and website**
      2. Include a link to the report form on both the icon on myCurry and the website. **
      3. Include links to current incident notifications, as well as to an archive of past incidents and how they were handled. This can be done through publishing monthly and yearly reports stating all incidents and the outcomes. **
      4. Create an archive of all past incidents for accountability.
        1. Include all messages sent about the incident from administration and campus security.
      5. Include a page on both the portal and website regarding prevention and educational programming. **
      6. Include the B.I.R.T protocol flow chart on the portal and website. **
      7. Include a list of members of B.I.R.T and contact information for each person on the portal and website. **
    2. Make victim outreach and support the top priority. **
    3. Create and distribute a clear definition of hate crimes v. bias incident at Curry College
      1. We acknowledge that the Massachusetts State Law is quoted in the protocol; however, a clear understanding of what the law implies needs to be established and clarified across administration and the rest of the community.
      2. This consistent definition should be used to educate the community about hate crimes versus bias related incidents.
      3. This consistent definition should be used when responding to an alleged incident and determining whether or not the event constitutes a bias related incident or a hate crime.
    4. Create more student positions on the B.I.R.T team for students outside of Student Government Association. **
    5. Develop a more permanent marker or notice to be used following each incident.
      1. Create a sign or marker that is placed at the site of the incident or crime that is brightly colored, draws attention, and cannot be easily removed or defaced.
      2. Include students in the development of this signage.
  2. We demand strengthened communication between the student body and administration.
    1. Create a student group (other than SGA) that acts as liaison between the students and upper administration
    2. Follow up any incident with emails from President Quigley and/or other members of upper administration; these messages should be sent to the entire campus community within 24 hours of the incident. Do not set the messages to expire. **
      1. The administration has expressed that students have complained that they do not want an email every time; however , the focus of these emails (and of the entire bias response process) should be centered around the students who need them. Those targeted by these incidents have stated that they do want an email every time an incident occurs on campus.
      2. The sooner the entire community is notified, the less chance there is for stories to be misconstrued or denied. This a lso provides opportunity for direct education in classes and clubs.
    3. The presence of President Quigley and upper administration at events and discussions regarding diversity and inclusion **
      1. Members of upper administration should attend these events and discussions with the intent to listen and learn from what the community has to say.
  3. We demand the creation and improvement of outreach services and resources.
    1. Establish a visible and prominent space for a diversity and inclusion center.
    2. Hire more staff members with diverse backgrounds.
    3. Provide more gender neutral bathrooms throughout campus.**
    4. Creation of victim advocate positions
      1. Peer educators
      2. Someone with safe space training to respond to an incident to support the victim during the investigation process.
        1. This person should be confidential, and not a mandated reporter. Their sole purpose should be victim support, with no ties to the administration. (ie: someone within the counseling center),
        2. Victims should be contacted within 24 hours after the incident**
    5. Victims should receive access to sanctions**
    6. There has to be a clear definition of who is considered a victim.
      1. Currently, an incident is understood only in relation to a single individual (ie: called out by name or a note written on door of the individual); however, the members of the targeted group should also be considered victims to the offense.
  4. We demand a clear set of guidelines for consequences and sanctions.
    1. When a student allegedly commits a hate crime or bias related incident, there should be an immediate investigation, followed by the appropriate disciplinary action. Upon being found responsible, there should be:
      1. An immediate loss or revocation of privileges (ie: sports, clubs, events, housing etc.)
      2. A removal from any position of power (ie: SGA, Club officer, sports captain etc.)
      3. For athletics, disciplinary recourse should not be at the sole discretion of the coach.
    2. When a faculty or staff member allegedly commits a hate crime or bias related incident, there should be an immediate investigation, followed by the appropriate disciplinary action.
    3. These guidelines should be developed in consultation with students and faculty, not just administration.
  5. We demand educational programming and preventive measures.
    1. Implement mandatory diversity/ inclusion training for all faculty and staff.
      1. More intensive training for Public Safety staff
    2. Implement mandatory diversity and inclusion education for all incoming freshmen.
      1. Include a mandatory session about diversity and inclusion at the following events:
        1. Accepted Students Day
        2. Orientation
        3. Welcome Weekend
      2. Develop an online, educational module for all incoming freshman to complete. (Similar to the ones for alcohol and healthy relationships)
      3. Incorporate more course options in the First Year Inquiry program that focus on different aspects of diversity.
    3. Implement mandatory diversity and inclusion training for students who hold a higher position on campus.
      1. Members of Student Government
      2. Athletic team captains
      3. Club officers
    4. Create a week of events providing education about diversity and celebrating it.
      1. Run educational events surrounding the topics associated with diversity.
      2. Hold training regarding diversity and inclusion.
        1. Safe Space
        2. Bringing in the bystander
      3. Incorporate a statement about diversity and inclusion to all syllabi
    5. Install cameras around campus especially in high traffic areas and resident halls
      1. Cameras should be added to the Student Center, all academic buildings, PAL, in the lobbies, laundry and common rooms of all dormitory and resident buildings on campus, along the academic quad

** Indicates short term goals that we believe can be accomplished within a semester. These goals should be prioritized and addressed immediately.

The issues stated above reflect concerns that have been brought up repeatedly by numerous people on campus. These concerns have been met with empty hands and we feel as though the administration has been minimally receptive. Members of campus have been unaware of the events transpiring on campus, due to ineffective communication between our administration and other members of the community. Victim’s feelings have been invalidated and the community as a whole has been impacted in a negative manner. We write this petition as an attempt to holistically improve our campus. We all remain committed to making these changes, and recognize that every stakeholder must be involved to make Curry College a better, safer place.

With Concern,

The Curry College community

To show your support of the concerned members of the Curry College community please circulate these demands and spread our message of justice, love and equality! We’re asking all of the members of the Curry community to sign this list of demands and petition the administration’s inability to respect and respond to the aforementioned issues. Signing below will show show your solidarity with those affected and your support for the solutions they propose.

(The picture attached to this petition is just one of the numerous hate crimes that have occurred on this campus, if you are having a hard time seeing it says "I hope trump wipes tr***ys out" on a bulletin board. This was engraved on a board promoting LGBT awareness in a Resident Hall where the trans population on campus is housed.)

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