Support House Bill 321

If you, or anyone you care about, ends up in the hospital, you'll want HB321 to pass.
Hospitals nationwide are reducing the nurse to patient rations to save money. Reduced nurse-to-patient ratios results in:
- increased unnecessary deaths
- increased hospital related injuries
- nurse burnout and staff turnover which ultimately costs consumers money and results in worse care
------ Supporting links ----------------
There are many links that describe the problem, and solutions.
If you or someone you care about has to be in a hospital you may be interested to know: This bill legislates nurse to patient ratios.
higher nurse staffing levels were associated with fewer deaths, lower failure-to-rescue incidents, lower rates of infection, and shorter hospital stays. http://journals.lww.com/nursingresearchonline/Abstract/2012/01000/Nurse_Staffing_and_Patient_Safety_in_Hospitals_.2.aspx
In March 2011, Dr. Jack Needleman and colleagues published findings in the New England Journal of Medicine, which indicate that insufficient nurse staffing was related to higher patient mortality www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1001025
lower nurse-patient ratios on medical and surgical units were associated with significantly lower patient mortality rates. The study is titled “Implications of the California Nurse Staffing Mandate on Other States.” www.nursing.upenn.edu/chopr/Documents/Aiken.2010.CaliforniaStaffingRatios.pdf
“Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality,” the researchers also found that when a nurse’s workload increases because of high patient turnover, mortality risk also increases. www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMsa1001025
Increases in registered nurse staffing was associated with reductions in hospital-related mortality and failure to rescue as well as reduced length of stays. In settings with inadequate staffing, patient safety was compromised. www.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/evidence/pdf/nursestaff/nursestaff.pdf
Most hospital RNs (93%) report major problems with having enough time to maintain patient safety, detect complications early, and collaborate with other team members. www.medscape.com/viewpublication/785_index
Consumers reported that the most important issues affecting medical
error rates are workload, stress or fatigue among health professionals
(74%); too little time spent with patients (70%); and too few nurses
(69%). This survey was sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Harvard School of
Public Health. www.kff.org/kaiserpolls/
every additional patient in an average hospital nurse’s workload
increased the risk of death in surgical patients by 7%. Having too few
nurses may actually cost more given the high costs of replacing nurses
and caring for patients with poor outcomes. http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/288/16/1987.fullpomr111704pkg.cfm
According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in May 2002, a higher proportion of nursing care provided by RNs and a greater number of hours of care by RNs per day are associated with better outcomes for hospitalized patients. This extensive study was conducted by Drs. Jack Needleman and Peter Buerhaus. http://content.nejm.org