Robin Bulson 0

Support Germantown Sportsmen’s Association

365 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Robin Bulson 0 Comments
365 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Germantown Sportsmen’s Association Club has been under a lot of heat!! They need our support.

This Club was established over 40 years ago as a group of outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hunting, fishing, archery, canoeing and many other outdoor activities. They also go beyond that and partake in local community events, as well assist neighbors in whatever they can. Trying to get fellow hunter enthusiasts has brought out the evil in people. From death threats to hate mail. It is not news that hunting has always been a very heated topic. Hunting has been around for many many years. 95% of meat in hunters freezers normally comes from hunting. Geese, squirrels, deer, turkey, Elk, bear the list goes on. Hunted meat is healthier than most meat. Most wildlife is killed from accidents, clearing of land to building homes and businesses. This club teaches youth hunters to hunt for purpose. To use everything they choose to hunt.

Hunters care about the environment because they know the wildlife depends on a clean environment. They spend thousands of dollars to conservations, advocating for wild life, donating meat to the hungry. Especially now during a pandemic where money is tight and people need food to survive. Teaching kids to hunt at a young age not only teaches them responsibility but teaches them about safety and hunting regulations. You need a license and In order to get a license one needs to take a hunter safety course. It teaches them to use what they hunt. It also teaches them to give to the hungry if they so choose. This meat is also offered to wild life rehabilitation centers who will use it to feed birds of prey and other animals that will be released into the wild to maintain their hunting instincts. We must show this Association that we stand behind them and their good deeds. They certainly do not need to be threatened nor crucified because someone does not agree with hunting for their food! Sign this petition in support to keep their rights protected! Donations made on this site go to the ipetions site not to the club. You can make donations directly to the club PO Box 241 Germantown NY 12526!!!

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