Support for YPG/YPJ(Syrian Democratic Forces)
United States President Barack Obama
United States Vice President Joe Biden
All Members of United States Senate
All Members of United States House of Representatives
We believe and respectfully request the United States to reconsider the stated position regarding Syrian Kurds and the YPG/YPJ forces fighting against ISIS in Syria. The entire world recognizes that these forces are the most effective and able ground forces to defeat ISIS and their affiliated jihadist groups. The US has been directly involved in support of these forces and achievements have been made in this war.
Turkey has asked that the US support their inclusion in this war, yet have a track record the international community recognizes not as a war against ISIS, but a war on the Kurdish population of northern Syria. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has gone to great lengths to place sieges and curfews on Kurdish cities within Turkey resulting in death to hundreds of civilians, including children and women, and now wants to prevent Kurds from uniting Kobane and Efrin districts, two areas of northern Syria held by Kurds who are currently eliminating the ability of ISIS to receive fighters, weaponry and equipment from within Turkey. These borders have long been the gateway for terrorists entering Syria and Iraq to join ISIS as they are recruited from around the world and routed through Turkey.
Turkey has asked the US to prevent the Kurds from crossing the Euphrates River, which prevents this porous border from being secured. This will be the 8th time since the turn of the century that the US has first enlisted the help of the Kurds and supported them, only to turn their backs at the end of the fighting and leave them on the battleground to fend for themselves. We believe this is the time the world can not allow that to happen. The security of the world against ISIS and terror is far more important than the aspirations of a country's President to feel relieved of his "Kurdish question."
If the US is truly fighting a war against terror, not only will they continue to stand with the Kurds, but they would also insist that Turkey end its hostility toward Kurdish nationalism and restart the peace process within its own borders. The US also must consider removing the PKK from its list of terrorist organizations and open discussions regarding a path forward for peace within and without Turkey.
There are many Kurdish Americans with family and loved ones in harms way in northern Syria and Turkey, as well as Iraq. We implore all those who recognize that without the Kurds, victory would be difficult if achievable at all, to pause in this moment and ask the US to continue the Kurdish support of YPG/YPJ as well as encourage the uniting of districts in Syria so as to allow further gains in the war on terror. We hope that you reject any foreign policy that is contrary to these goals.
Your support is greatly appreciated.