STEM, without the T & E is just more science and math.

Support Technology & Engineering Education For All NYS Students.
The New York State Technology and Engineering Educators Association (NYSTEEA) recommends the following policy actions to better prepare students in New York State for college and career readiness.
1. Preserve the current Technology Education New York State middle school mandate.
2. Adopt a commencement (9-12) level unit of credit requirement or substitution option for Technology Education.
3. Increase the number of certified Technology Education teachers through incentives such as college tuition grants for students pursuing Technology Education teaching certification.
4. Establish an institutional commitment by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to the "Engineering by Design©" pre-K-12 curricula and related professional development consortium requirements.
5. Adopt the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association's (ITEEA) Standards for Technological Literacy- a "common core" for Technology Education.
6. Re-authorize the N.Y.S. "Engineers of the Future" grant/law and the "Excelsior Scholars" grant/law to support statewide professional development for Technology Education.
7. Adopt the national Assessment of Educational Performance (NAEP) assessment for Technology and Engineering Literacy (planned for national implementation by 2014).
8. Establish a realistic and valid STEM Pathway that includes Technology and Engineering Education.