Support for Installing a Traffic Mirror at the Carriage Ridge Entrance
With the increase of new home construction in Harbor Club, traffic through the gate has increased immeasurably. Turning left safely out of our Carriage Ridge neighborhood has become more difficult with accelerating cars and blind spots, not allowing a clear view.
This has been an ongoing problem with discussions in the past from speed bumps, to flashing "slow down" signs. In all cases they have been denied by the Harbor Club HOA. Several years ago, shrubbery and trees were trimmed back with a minimal impact on improving vision.
We propose to install a polycarbonate 30 inch convex traffic mirror directly across from the Carriage Ridge entrance at the Polo Village entrance to the left of the stop sign. a 30 inch mirror aimed properly allows 160 degrees of viewing of oncoming traffic. This is turn will allow exiting left turning traffic a view of what is coming, prior to proceeding into the intersection.
We propose to collect signatures from our neighborhood showing support of the mirror then submit a normal Harbor Club HOA request for approval. The mirror will be funded by the Carriage Ridge HOA, with complete cost of mirror, post and installation not to exceed $ 300.00
Please take a minute, follow the instructions and sign the petition. We think this is a good solution to helping correct an ongoing safety issue.
Note: the picture below represents what the mirror will resemble and location. Image is not to scale.