Support Dogs Trust Vision for Animal Welfare In Cork

I believe that the introduction of Dogs Trust to Cork will improve the welfare of the vast majority of the animals in this city. In my opinion the CSPCA has consistently left down the animals of this city and I have seen enough of the conditions of the animals left in their 'care ‘to believe they have any compassion or feelings for the unfortunate animals that end up in their facility.I personally believe the CSPCA has failed in its duty to provide an acceptable level of care for our animals and make no mistake about it , it is our animals that suffer the conquences. Our private rescues in Cork are overflowing with abandoned and surrendered animals and they cannot , nor should they be expected to , take on the entire burden themselves. Dogs Trust is a long established animal welfare organisation which has a sterling reputation in treating the animals in their care with dignity and compassion. In addition they vaccinate and neuter all their animals before rehoming them, which in the long term will cut down on the amount of animals entering our pounds. Nobody is suggesting that it is the perfect solution to the vast animal welfare problems in this city but I personally feel that their presence in Cork will improve the quality of life of the majority of our animals and start Cork on the long journey to becoming a city that can become proud of its reputation as a safe haven for its animals. Our animals have suffered enough and it’s long past time that one some stood up for their rights to be treated with compassion and dignity. Welcome Dogs Trust to Cork as a first step towards that goal. Speak out and let your voice be heard on behalf of our animals