Bring Back Dawnmund
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Dawn and Desmund have done so much to help the server, but under one simple misunderstanding they were fired and Desmund's account was even locked.
Because of lack of communication, none of the server owners or administrators listened to our pleas. Dawn and Desmund are completely innocent.
Want to help us help them?
Note from Desmund herself:
Boss resigned http://prntscr.com/10li73
Made Dawn the Community Manager, and I to be her Assistant under his request of leave.
He demoted Legend because he said he felt I proved to be better fit for the role.
Me and Dawn then took a few hours to discuss the staff roles and staff in general. We decided to make a few adjustments temporarily based on communication with the community/staff and activity, so forth.
Based off of this we demoted Rev to MOD until he felt ready to pursue SMOD again, we felt SMOD was more looked up to and should be more available for any moderators who would need help. A coach so to speak.
Then we demoted Zic, we do not have anything personal against Zic but due to some minor conflicts in staff, and communication we felt they were not mentally steady to handle the job efficiently. We did not get down to figuring out what times they are really on, and so forth. It was still being worked out.
We then promoted Victor to SMOD because we felt his dedication the past week was excellent and his communication with staff and community was exactly what we've been looking for. He offered a hand whenever we needed help and never once complained. He listens to players and engages them in conversation, he also does so with our staff. I felt no reason as to why he didn't deserve the spot.
Next thing on our list was Servidor the bot whom was banning people for no reason (most of the time). We thought maybe if we banned the bot it'd disappear for a while, but we was mistaken and ended up banning one of Boss's side accounts.
After this we spent a hour or so discussing helper plans with Rev, (helper leader). And decided to bring in a few helpers into a private room to discuss what we had conversed about. We wanted helpers to have a guideline to go by when helping players and to be nicer when giving advice and answering questions. We was giving them basic training on how to go about handling a situation with words. Me and Dawn felt the helpers needed just as much guidance as a mod in training does. We couldn't just leave them to fend for themselves.
With that we wrapped up the night.
The next morning I get on the staff chat to be told by other members that I was banned and locked by Accesito.
For what reason though? What did we do. Sorry for helping the community and working on the communication with the staff.
Accesito isn't active, he doesn't talk to us. He probably doesn't even know who I am, or even that I'm a admin/mod. He didn't even bother to contact me about it before hand? He didn't contact anyone about it, not even Boss. So I really don't understand why me and Dawn are out of the picture when we've done nothing wrong.