Support building a new ice rink in Shadyside!
Steven Berman 0

Support building a new ice rink in Shadyside!

Steven Berman 0 Comments
1181 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Please add your name to the list of residents supporting building a new ice rink in the Hunt Armory in Shadyside. The Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority is considering three proposals to redevelop the former Hunt Armory. You can read about the proposals here:

This petition is to show the URA that we support the ice skating rink proposal over the other two proposals, a business incubator and an apartment building. This petition will be forwarded to the Pittburgh URA and Councilman Dan Gilman's office prior to the URA meeting December 10.

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