Anthony Smith 0

Support the Alexandria, Virginia Police Department

352 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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352 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Citizens of Alexandria:

Now is the time to explicitly state our support for the Alexandria, Virginia, police department (APD). National favorability ratings for the police in general have fallen since the death of Mr. George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis. APD is a modern, highly trained, technically skilled, energetic, diverse and well-equipped police department, with a current authorized strength of 320 sworn and 138 civilian employees. These men and women serve the city every day in a job that is often challenging and unforgiving. They deserve to know that the people of Alexandria stand beside them.

In a recent letter, Police Chief Michael Brown acknowledged that officers of the APD are “very angry at the police officer that killed Mr. Floyd and the other officers who failed to respond to Mr. Floyd’s pleas for help,” adding that officers are “appalled at what they witnessed.” APD officers should not shoulder the blame for the misconduct of officers in other cities.

We, the undersigned, wish to express:

  • We support the officers and civilian employees of the Alexandria Police Department and appreciate their competent, courteous, professional and community oriented police services.
  • As stakeholders in the City of Alexandria, we will work to build positive relationships and develop partnerships with the Alexandria Police Department.
  • We see the members of the Alexandria Police Department as allies in the struggle for a better and safer community for all.
  • We believe police misconduct should not be tolerated and all allegations against officers should be handled in a fair and transparent manner.
  • We will encourage and support the best candidates in our community to pursue a career in law enforcement.
  • Given the low regional starting pay for Alexandria Police officers, we support fair pay for the APD and do not support any actions to defund the Alexandria Police Department.

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