Sebastian Cross 0


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The goal is to politely yet powerfully let distributors know that human rights matter. The reality is the more people who know about the book the more people can be aware of the important issues ; human rights, women’s rights, bullying, gay rights-perhaps, if one is honest, they are all one and the same? Awareness is everything. We believe many people are interested in these causes. We want to bring matters like DARFUR, KONY, child abuse & domestic violence into the forefront where it matters and can do the most good. Aeylias & his younger sister Amalya take action; they sign the call the action notices by Amnesty International , signs petitions on line, write to their local representatives and have been known to go out in public and actively petition and collect signatures for things like Human trafficking. They are partially responsible for getting it on November's ballot. They have saved animals from abuse, taking them to shelters, and shut down bullies that were attacking in front of them. They have had to deal with bullies in separate school systems. A place where we all know it can be VERY unpopular to take a stand or simply to be an individual. He is NOT just talk and neither is his sister. Pretty good for a 8 and 9 yr old. I think it be pretty good for a grown up, don’t you? He has his own private battle with muscular dystrophy and is being fitted for a brace which starts at his hips and goes to his toes. *His insurance was cancelled. His apartment complex doesn’t think he is entitled to a ramp and are battling him over this as well. He has filed his complaint against management for their cruelty to animals now they are in the process of trying to evict him--and of course his sister. It should be noted that Amalay appears to suffer from the same condition as her brother though much less severely. Even know the personal price may be great for them to do what’s right-they still face evil down. He has had his arm broken by relatives, that covered up the abuse, and did worse to him and his younger sister. But they stood up to their abusers and ultimately won-if such things can be considered victories. All along their family stood by them even though the authorities, instead, for their own nefarious reasons, protected the abusers (*We BELIEVE the synthesis for them canceling his medical coverage. Simply retaliatory.) Where others people there are only words; with Aeylias & Amalay, tribal souls, Blackfoot-Mexican Americans, they have stood their ground and though they have shed many tears in the process. They deserves support and certainly so does their cause--humanity-those weaker & less fortunate than themselves. In the end its simple; give them exposure they and their causes deserve-this is you, the public, saying ‘yeah this interests me I‘d READ that“-Now--you, the distributors-base your decisions based on what the public says here. If you agree-sign; Thank you, Aeylias & Amalay Ps more about the book; Super Smash Comixzs & The Ranger-Core. Inhabitants of Earth open the Pandora’s Box to THE UNIVERSE. Worse THE RANGERS are saddled with the unpopular idea that heroes seldom prevail and its your mission to rise up against impossible odds. Often losing--The Rangers are the real world, African, Latinos & Asian & Indians. There’s THE BIG BANG MACHINE, HYPER NOVAS & THE PLANET X -all real. With the backdrop of THE RANGERS having nano-technology suits from The Lost Dimension and have incredible and fun powers facing down foes that would make comic book villains cringe-perhaps even faint. Most stories are predictable; when’s the last time an ending surprised you? Just because you take on a fight does not assure success. Anyone that expects this to be a kiddy comic book better go buy the comics that the adults are writing. "My birth defects aren’t limitations; I have been going to Rancho Los Amigos for rehab. Stacy and Katie from Muscular Dystrophy Association referred me. Hangar Orthotics of L A is helping me get my complicated leg braces-I’m SO lucky people care! I was born with a condition that doesn’t allow me to keep my feet or hips in line-so it’s a pain in the butt to run --I fall too much. I already had BULLYING issues at 2 separate schools-the adults were just DREADFUL at handling. Aeylias

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