Underground power lines for Sunscape Project
Tell AEP that you DO NOT want 100 foot tall towers all along Ogden Road, Colonial Avenue, Route 220 and Route 419! Tell AEP that the Roanoke Valley is worth keeping beautiful. While we want to improve the infrastructure in Roanoke, we do not want to sacrifice our natural beauty in order to do it. We want AEP to put the power lines for the Sunscape Project underground, and properly soundproof and camoflage the transfer station. We cannot allow AEP to build this project as planned so that they can save money at the expense of our community. Concerned citizens are worried about declining property values, noise, safety issues, and health issues. It is to be located adjacent to residential property. Sign this petition and let AEP know that you oppose above-ground power lines and a sub-station located in a residential area for the proposed Sunscape Project in Roanoke.