Summit Heights Staffing Model for 2009/2010

Every year the Board tells the school what their projected numbers are for the coming year and based on these projections assigns the teachers. For 2009/2010 Summit was projected to have an enrolment of 277 students next year and therefore would receive a teaching staff of 17 (this is .5 of a teacher lower than this year). The Board also mandated to the school that we must have a grade 3/4 split next year. The principal was not allowed to deviate from that mandate and has no choice but to include a 3/4 split in her model regardless of how the actual numbers fall. The actual enrolment number for Summit Heights for 2009/2010 is 297(20 students more than projected in the regular stream) and most importantly for this year�s grade 2 and 3 students who will make up the 3/4 split, the actual enrolment in that split class is 32 students. 18 grade 3s and 14 grade 4s. A class of 32 students far exceeds the primary division cap of 20 students. The school will not be allowed to keep this class at 32 students beyond the 4th Friday of the school year which means that our children will be faced with a reorganization of classes at the end of September. Based on the actual enrolment numbers of 297 there is a reasonable reorganization of the classes that could happen before September if we can persuade the Board through our trustee, James Pasternak and our superintendent Gen Ling Chang, to hire another teacher and hopefully reorganize the grade 3/4 split. Through this petition our goal is to persuade the TDSB to allow the class re-organization to be done before school starts in September and not to disrupt the classes once school starts. Please sign this petition asking the the Board to immediately revisit the projected staffing model for Summit Heights. We will be presenting this petition at the meeting on May 19th.