Summit County Council: please fund a Community Solar Program

We, the undersigned citizens of Summit County, Utah, urge our elected officials of the Summit County Council to fund the proposed community solar program in the 2013 budget. A community solar program will kickstart solar installations across the County by helping to overcome the logistical and financial hurdles of going solar. The program will unite non-profits, local government, and citizens to tackle the solar process as a team, realizing great cost savings through bulk purchasing power. The upfront investment by the County to run the program is small compared to the large impact this program could have on its citizens' ability to stabilize their electricity bills, provide a hedge against rising and volatile energy costs, and secure sizeable energy savings by installing solar PV. Furthermore, this program will also demonstrate the Summit County Council's commitment to the goals outlined in its sustainability plan, which states that the County will initiate a program to encourage the community to generate an additional 100 kW of energy from solar thermal or solar photovoltaic by 2014. This program would help to achieve that goal. We ask that the Summit County Council support this community solar program in its 2013 budget. For more information about a similar community solar program run in Salt Lake City and County earlier this year, please visit http://mycommunitysolar.org/what-is-salt-lake-community-solar/about-salt-lake-community-solar.