Maplestory Sulfur Hacker Banning
There has been a person named Sulfur most of the time in nearly every Maplestory server.For more information on the servers and what exactly he says to you see .A quick summary of this guy is that he goes on multiple servers posting exactly "Hii I'm Sulfur and iv been screenshotting good/godly/okay items and made them to show off (Server Name)'s FM ^_^ one of your items are in the vid :D you can see it here: (Hacker site not posted due to some people who might click) Known Servers He Operates In: Windia, Galicia, Bera, DemethosGMS, Scania, and Kradia.His known names are: OMGITSSULFUR, SulfurHottie, and sulfur02. I hope many people get rid of this guy, even if its not forever at least many more people are aware of this hacker.