Dylon Hinchey 0

Suicide Squad: The Joker Cut

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Jared Leto filmed enough scenes of the Joker in Suicide Squad for an entire R rated movie. And they only ended up using about 10 minutes of those scenes in the final film. Now as cool as it would be too see an entire movie with his deleted scenes that's not what this petition is for. This petition is to include the scenes of Joker in the trailers that were not used in the final cut (for example: when is face is burnt and he throws a grenade saying "bye bye" and when he says "I can't wait too show you my toys" which were in the trailers and not in the movie) and some more of the flashbacks with Harley Quinn that were cut including one with him slapping her before taking her to Ace chemicals which shows the more of the toxic side of their relationship like the comics. These scenes could be added to be the movie for the blu ray release and it could be called "The Joker Cut"

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