Petition to allow Sudbury residents to have backyard chickens.
We, the citizens of the City of Greater Sudbury, petition the city to change By-law 2002-285 Part IX Section 29 to include and allow domestic fowl (chickens) for the purpose of egg laying in R1 zoning. The change would make this section similar to Sections 23-28 which allow rabbits (s23), pigeons (s24), racing pigeons (s25), rodents (s26), reptiles (s27), and household birds (s28) respectfully. Basically this change would allow residential occupants to keep chickens as pets for the purpose of laying eggs. Some of the resctrictions considered but not limited to for this by-law change would be similar to section 23 (rabbits) and would include the following : - a maximum of 4-6 chickens (no roosters). - must be enclosed (no free roaming). - minimum of 12m from any dwelling and 1.2m from lot line. - others in consideration from City council. This by-law change would bring the City of Greater Sudbury into line with cities such as New York, Chicago and Vancouver and allow residents to share in the joy of producing food from their own backyard.