Dave Getson 0

Bring back the old way of cutting Subway bread!

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Dave Getson 0 Comments
64 people have signed. Add your voice!
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For those of you who have hated your Subway sub toppings falling out of your sub for the last decade and a half, it's time to rise up and demand that Subway bring back their old way of cutting their bread. Bring back the "V-cut". For the uninitiated, there once was a time (a glorious time) when Subway would simply cut the top off of their bread and create a nice channel for your meat, veggies, etc to be placed. Once the top was returned to its rightful place, your toppings would continue to stay in your sub until you were finished, unlike today, where each bite contributes to a larger and larger mess on your paper wrap and less and less actual sub in your mouth. Even if the hinge cut is all you have known, aren't you tired of eating your sandwich on its side and cocking your head left or right as far as you can just to manage a bite of your sandwich? The "v-cut" fixes all your problems!

No longer can you request your sandwich artist cut your bread "the old way", because a large portion of them weren't even born when this new hinge cut was introduced and the far superior v-cut was banished. They simply don't know about it or how to cut the bread this way.

Now I realize that the corporate big wigs made some significant changes regarding the manner in which toppings were placed when the cutting method was changed. This greatly impacted the effectiveness of the v-cut bread but we, the people, feel that it is time for them to re-visit their new policies and make the change back..for the sake of the bread and those who want nothing more than their ingedients to remain inside the bread whist eaten. Retro is in. Bring back the v-cut.

I know there are others out there who want this back. I say to you, let's make a stand and make this happen! We, the voice of the people, need to be heard and heard we will be. Subway and their loyal customers will forever be the best....like their bread once was. Sign this and go forth in spreading the word to the masses. Use every social media avenue possible and rise up and take back what is rightfully yours!

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