Bring Students Back to West

Bring West Students Back to Campus Main issue: Glenbard West has half the outdoor instructional field space of the other schools, North, South, and East in District 87. Memorial Field located, directly across from West and Crescent Road is used, excessively. Duchon Field, is used, sparingly, 6 to 9 days a year. Over the years, increased activities for West students has far outgrown the available space. Increased involvement in PE, athletics, and other extracurriculars correlate with greater academic success and higher test scores, not mention, a healthier student. Solution proposed by Superintendent Dr. Mike Meissen: Phase I: Install Field Turf and Lights at Memorial Field. Phase II: Install Field Turf and Lights at Duchon Field. Collectively, Phase I and II maximize utilization of West's limited outdoor space. Objectives: Bring our Students back to campus to practice, compete, and participate in athletics and extracurricular activities. Improve the Physical Education curriculum by reducing an overcrowded situation, thus, increasing safety of students and providing an opportunity for higher level PE classes, and extending the number of days outside in the fall and spring terms. Actionable Items: Sign Petition in support Field Turf and Lights at Memorial and Duchon Fields: We encourage you, your spouse, your friends as well as your high school students to sign. Show up to next January 12th School Board meeting, 730pm, wearing green and white in support of these initiatives. ***We are not recommending Friday Night football over the West Saturday tradition.