Alexander College Students 0

Students Voice Should be Heard

Alexander College Students 0 Comments
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We Students of Alexander College have couple of concerns and we believe that college should pay attention to those concerns.

Majority of students believe that following are the issues that should be resolved after a discussion between students and college:

  1. Waiting list for the courses should be much less than it is now. We feel that there are two ways to do this. First is to hire more staff and second option is to let the students register on first come first serve basis, rather than prioritizing new admissions over existing students.
  2. Students should have the option to pay semester fees in installments like most of the other colleges.

We as students believe that resolving these issues will be mutually beneficial for both students and college. Reducing the wait time means more students will be attracted to join the college and will help to improve the reputation of college. Also allowing students to pay their semester fee in installments would result in enrolment of more students in each semester as more students will be able to afford to pay their fees.

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