Students in Support of Miss Nandlal

There aren’t many people in the world who are as sincere, generous, loving and especially as caring as Miss Nadira Nandlal.
Recently, many negative impressions of Miss Nandlal have been made in the Media and on Social Media as well, impressions which are very misleading and serve to defame her and her character.
Widely known for her motherly qualities, Miss Nandlal has had an incredibly positive effect on the lives of those students that she has taught at Naparima College, and has touched the lives of even those students that she has not taught.
Even whilst suffering from an injured back, she tirelessly worked with her students at school to ensure that they achieved the success that they desired, and gave of herself to all those students that required her assistance.
This woman, whom so many have sought to demonize, has spearheaded an entire fundraising event with minimal assistance, an event aimed at providing assistance for two Naparima College students in great need.
This fundraising dinner, held on December 11, 2015, was aimed at helping Isa Pooran and Sachin Kalpee, both in need of serious medical assistance. Miss Nandlal had no ulterior motives, had no reward to be gained by hosting this venture save for the satisfaction she received from helping these poor souls.
All of approximately ninety-thousand dollars generated from this venture has already been given to the beneficiaries, and some people yet still find reasons to question her integrity.
Miss Nandlal has always epitomized what an excellent teacher should be. She is valued as one of the most beloved and memorable teachers that students have come to know during their seven years at Naparima College.
When someone mentions Miss Nandlal, no mere teacher is being referred to; rather the speaker is referring to an excellent educator, humanitarian, a mother and an all-round excellent Human Being. Any student of hers, past and present, can testify to her strong-willed personality and her conviction in standing up for her beliefs.
It is saddening to see persons who espouse what they claim to be uncompromising morals and values attempt to portray this outstanding woman, comprised of such unshakeable beliefs, in a negative light.
She has been attacked by those students who have disliked her and her manner, mainly because she has seen fit to reprimand them in the past. These students have used their personal issues to wage a war of slander against Miss Nandlal, and have thus far become somewhat successful.
From the perspective of an uninformed outsider, the statements made by Miss Nandlal which were unwittingly captured on the voice recording could be viewed as being radical and extreme.
Such a viewpoint is of course, understandable, but what is not, is that persons who have taken their personal issues with Miss Nandlal to the internet have served to misinform the public, and guide their opinion toward pronouncing unfair judgment upon this woman.
This woman is a second mother to hundreds of successful members of society, and she is being unfairly criticized and victimized as a result. Those students who have been in her class and have interacted with her during their stay in Naparima College can testify that Miss Nandlal was simply using some harsh euphemisms given the context of the situation.
Even if a student were to be reprimanded by Miss Nandlal directly, for even a serious offence, they would not feel threatened. What that recording fails to capture, are Miss Nandlal’s facial expressions, her demeanor, her conduct, her personality, and her years of experience with the classes in question.
We, students of Naparima College, whose lives have been so positively affected by Miss Nandlal, stand in complete solidarity with her, and pledge our support to our second mother, our beloved Miss Nandlal.