Students In Support of Facilities Management
We the students and community of Hamilton College stand with the members of the SEIU 200 union (Facilities Management) in their negotiations for fair working conditions and equitable pay. Facilities Management employees are hardworking members of the Hamilton College community, making our campus a better place to live for everybody. The administration has failed to negotiate with the workers of facilities management in good faith, and for months facilities management employees have been working without a collective bargaining agreement. However, with the backing of the student body we have the power to even the playing field of their negotiations. By signing this petition, you are taking a stand for every member of our Hamilton community to be treated with dignity and given the working conditions they deserve.
These are some of the requests being made by SEIU :
- Disability benefits: Currently, members of the union have no access to any insurance in the event they experience an unexpected illness or injury
- Improved Job training and posting: By improving the apprenticeship program provided to workers and posting when new jobs become available, there is increased upward mobility for facilities management workers.
- Limiting manipulation of personnel files: Currently, management can put any information into an employee’s personnel file without consulting a union representative, a system that has been abused to put unfair and mischaracterized information in employee’s personnel file. By requiring union representatives to be copied on all correspondence put in an employee’s file, this manipulation of the system will end.
- Limited Subcontracting: Limiting the use of subcontracting by first offering this work to full time employees.