Students FOR World Book Day

Students of St Thomas More Catholic School are usually disappointed once they join the school when they realise that students are prohibted from dressing up as book, comic, manga or graphic novel character of their choice on World Book Day, which is an ongoing celebration of books since Primary School. We want to bring it back.
What we offer to the table: to pay £1 as usual for non-uniform days at the gate to be able to dress up in non uniform OR dress up as a fictional character of choice. The money raised will contribute to funds for more resources in the library which include KS3, GCSE and A-Level textbooks for subjects, more non-fiction books, magazines and newspapers and such regarding the media the world which we live in. We have a amazingly wide rage of fiction books, but we want more than that.
This will benefit our school since we will have more available resources in the Library, the place where students can work and enjoy the amount of books ready to borrow for students use. The uses for this will include extra ways of learning, revising and expanding our genres of reading, one of the main goals the English Department has echoed yearly on World Book Day.
We understand some examples of reasons as to why students cannot dress up, like being distracted during lessons. However, it would not he possible to make a point because if students are not allowed to dress up the it should be the same as students not being allowed what they want to wear for non-uniform day because it is too distracting, yet alone not being able to use our own bags already, the students want to balance it out and make our school enjoyable and fun for the one day of the year.
Overall, World Book Day should be an equal contribution from the creative side (to allow us to dress up as characters alongside teachers) and the supportive side (to further fund and support the focal point of the books at our school –the library). So please, sign now!