Trey Sauvage 0

Students for Dr. James Lee

106 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Trey Sauvage 0 Comments
106 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dr. James Lee was a bench instructor for us in our denture course. He was a great bench instructor and mentor. If you talk with the upperclassmen, most of them will tell you he goes above and beyond to help his students and their patients. He is currently only employed part time and has applied for full time at the university. With a full time job he can get his visa renewed. The upperclassmen started a petition that has been signed by over 100 students thus far to give to the hiring committee to show that he has the support of the students, I am helping them out by relaying this information to the underclassmen.

Check out his Instagram @dr.jameslee to see the work he does with his own patients and with students, it truly is out of this world. He is a UMN trained prosthodontist and wants to stay at the university to teach future practitioner students his tips and tricks.

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