Students For a Better N.A.F!

This is a petition to make National Academy Foundation a better learning environment. We the students of N.A.F value our education, we appreciate all of the teachers and administrative that provide a positive learning environment. But, we feel as though that it is one teacher that has created a hostile learning environment. That teacher is Harik Anthony Cofer. We feel that Mr. Cofer has abused his power as an administrative staff member. He is rude, disrespectful, unfair, biasedand lacks professionalism and self control. We know that several students feel intimidated, stressed, and uncomfortable in his prescence. If you have ever felt personally attacked or offended we encourage you to sign this petition. The more signitures collected the more respect N.A.F students will recieve. If you care about making N.A.F a better place, THEN PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION!