Students Against LiveText

We, the student body of Cardinal Stritch University, hereby petition the responsible departments and appropriate chairs of the aforementioned departments, including but not limited to Tracy Fischer, Senior Director of Student Success, Sean Lansing, Director of Mission Engagement, Matthew Goodwin, Director of Student Experience, Dr. James Loftus, President, and Tia Bojar, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, for an audience to discuss the wholly unethical and deceptive practice of requiring the student body to be financially responsible for the re-accreditation process of this institution without any official press release, notification, request, or communiqué regarding the implementation of a third-party portfolio service (hereafter referred to by its trade name, LiveText) at great fiscal burden with next to no visible or feasible benefit to the student body as a holistic entity. Furthermore, we, the petitioners, humbly suggest that the usage of LiveText be purely voluntary on the side of the student body, and that grading in classes that, at the time of this petition’s composure, require a subscription, be based only on upstanding academic conduct, exemplary attendance, and the merit of any given student’s body of work, rather than a forced purchase of a LiveText subscription. Lastly, as functioning adults and upstanding members of our respective communities, we wish to express our collective outrage and united feeling of slight towards the hasty implementation of the obligatory subscription to LiveText, and the undisputable fact that an overwhelming majority of the student body became aware of their compulsory undertaking in LiveText through their various syllabi, rather than the established channels of mass notification to the student body, including, but not limited to email, postings on stritch.edu, or flyers posted in public areas on campus.