Student Concerns: an Undergraduate Petition

We, students of the Harvard Undergraduate body, present this petition as a reaction to the recent budget cuts, and the manner in which these cuts were made. We would like to raise awareness about our greatest concerns, presented below. Transparency The failure to uphold transparency and discourse undermines all previous decisions. Students have a right to be able to evaluate the same information that administrators consider, and to know the process behind choices that directly affect them. Crucially, information regarding the following is a necessity: • The logic and statistics behind past decisions • Proposals currently under contemplation • How past, present and future decisions are being made Safety The lack of late night shuttles presents serious safety considerations for many students. While other decisions may be questionable, we consider this issue unquestionable: student safety is paramount. Do not increase student risks in an effort to cut costs. Future Cuts With regards to current cuts being considered that greatly impact student life, students deserve considerable input. Thus far, the administration has shown an unfortunate unwillingness to address or discuss suggested cuts pertaining to House budgets. These cuts directly affect House Life, which we believe is “central to the mission of the University.” We believe that several past budget cut decisions have not been made in the student body’s best interests, and that the closed manner in which such assessments were made is highly regrettable. We recognize that cuts are necessary and are willing to compromise. However, we believe that alternatives to the administration’s set plan are possible, and would like to have our voice heard in evaluating these decisions. To this end we propose an administrative meeting with House Committee leaders. Many thanks for your attention, Yours sincerely, Students of the Harvard Undergraduate College