Streng Geheim Bring Richter and Müller back

Hello comrades of the LSS It is a dark time for ours. as a person, i got to know erich richter and karl müller as sincere, loyal people. They welcomed me into the LSS as a companion for who I am and taught me everything. Without these two men, the LSS will perish. The LSS is calling our leaders back. To those responsible for the ban on Karl Müller and Erich Richter, I ask you to bring them back to us. Especially in this time, time of hopelessness, we all have to stick together as comrades. One for all and all for one. We stand up for our superiors as they stand up for us. Let us be enjoyed like our party be like the party and fight for our goals and stand up for each other. Let's fight like our ancestors did 1000 years ago. Such we are. we won't let ourselves get down we will fight until dawn and if we fall we just get up and start again.
* Hey administrator who is hopefully reading this message before probably deleting it and the entire petition
This petition is in no way affiliated with Nazism, or any sort of online cult. It is purely here for enjoyment purposes on the Garry's Mod platform. We are in no way endorsing or spreading Nazism we are only roleplaying as the individuals who were alive some ~80 years ago as a form of entertainment on this video game.
Roleplaying can be fun, especially on Garry's Mod. So before you delete our petition please understand that this is a game, none of this is real, and none of it has anything to do with the life that we live.
I hope you understand, and I thank you for hopefully seeing this message.**