Get Cindy on the V-Factory Street Team!

Alrighty I'm petitioning to let Cindy on the VF Street Team. Everyone on there is stuck up and are only interested in promoting themseleves, and Cindy promotes our boys constantly. I, for one, think it's a load of bull crap that they won't let her on, cause she's the most dedicated fan I know, am I right So if you're with me, sign the petition! If you're not with me, here are some reasons to convince you. 1.) She's nice and will actually talk to you, instead of thinking she's too good for you. She actually cares about the fans. 2.) The actual definition of "Street Team", brought to you by Wikipedia, is a group dedicated to their favorite group/ person who spreads word about that certain group/person. 3.) We, of VFF forums, have decided that Cindy is definately the biggest fan of VF, so shouldn't the biggest fan be on the street team 4.) Around Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio, she has passed out around 500 flyers of VF. 5.) At Jennings County High School, she puts VF on the news, daily, and its broadcasted in thousands of homes. 6.) The guys always give credit to the street team, yet they do absolutely nothing. Cindy is constantly promoting VF, no matter what. 7.) When "Love Struck" came out in Ohio on WNCI, Cindy called them tons of times, and still has their number on speed dial. 8.) In all her videos of herself, you can't go without hearing something about myspace.com/vfactorymusic. 9.) She's been a fan the longest. and created the first VF website. Ever. 10.) She's contacted pretty much every teen magazine in the continental U.S. about VF. Go ahead, ask em. 12.) Have you ever heard her promote myspace.com/brookie159 no. its always been myspace.com/vfactorymusic or some other website for VF. 13.) She knows almost all their dance moves. 14.) Ask someone, almost anyone, who they heard about VF from. 10 bucks, its Cindy. 15.) I came up with 15 reasons why Cindy should be on the street team, so sign the petition.