Streatham boxing campaign

Lambeth residents and team Lambeth boxing have set up a petition to put pressure on Lambeth council to allow and find premises for a free boxing club / support hub with onsite youth workers and young mentors with professional counsolours, we have professional boxers and trainers that will work with the young people of our community. Streatham young people have told me that their is nothing like boxing around for them to channel there energies, boxing will help them with self esteem, confidence which all kids want,
Please sign our Petition thank you for your support
whilst the riots are some time ago,and a lot of important people like the council members and mp's want to forget it all,the poverty and the lack of opportunity that was part of the cause of the riots are very much still with us.
In fact it could be argued that any public investment in team Lambeth boxing works,there's less kids going through the criminal justice system, or being treated by the NHS for knife /gun/etc injuries, all of which will save the tax payer a lot more then would be the case. They should see it as a investment than in the medium term will save money and be a force for good in the community.