Roy Medeiros 0

Strawberry Panic season 2 Petition

1127 signers. Add your name now!
Roy Medeiros 0 Comments
1127 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Strawberry Panic season 2 Petition is for everyone who has watched season 1 of Strawberry Panic and desperately wants to see a 2nd season. I would like all anime lovers who have seen this anime to please sign my petition. This will be sent to the company who produced the anime even if I have to go and find them myself. So please support me and bring back Strawberry Panic! Yes there are many other animes that you guys are watching now and have probably gave up on Strawberry Panic by now BUT there is still a chance for SP to come back! Hundreds of people posting on forums, talking on instant messengers, on the phone, and with friends are still talking about SP. I have seen many forums with people who want SP back so badly that they have even made there own season 2 stories about what happens after season one. Reasons to sign this petition... *Strawberry Panic the great anime will be back *Shows that YOU are a true fan. *Hundreds of people want this anime back Reasons not to sign... *Your mean *You hate anime *You hate romance stories So please dear workers at Madhouse and Masayuki Sakoi bring back Strawberry Panic!


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