Join Us In Stopping Youth Vape
Taylor Ma 0

Join Us In Stopping Youth Vape

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Taylor Ma 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

One in ten general shops and one in five specialist stores were caught selling to minors in 2023 (from 1 News). It is clear that these vape retailers are posing a threat to the health of the school communities and the policy must be altered. The NZ Health survey states that daily rates of those aged between 15 and 17 years old has increased from 8.3% in 2021/22 to 15.4% in 2022/23.

Created as an alternative to cigarettes, vapes are supposedly a healthier alternative however it is just as harmful if not more. Due to its addictive nature, it is a product that the youth are having far too much ease getting a hold of and getting addicted to.

This petition aims to gather signatures in support of changing the policy 'New specialist vape retailers (SVRS) cannot be approved if they are located within 300m of registered schools and marae.' To 'New specialist vape retailers and existing general retailers cannot be approved if they are located within 800m

of a school or marae.'

The current policy allows new specialist vape retailers (SVRS) to be approved if they are located more than 300m from registered schools and marae. This distance is insufficient to protect our children and communities from the potential harms of vaping. We propose changing the policy so that both new specialist vape retailers and existing general retailers cannot be approved if they are located within 800m of a school or marae. This increased distance will provide a safer environment for our youth and community members, reducing their exposure to vaping products. Please sign this petition to support this important change in policy.


By participating in this petition, you are agreeing to indicate your support in altering the policy above and are aware that your identity will unable to be kept anonymous.

This petition will go towards an open letter sent to our local MPs.

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