Stop Child and Women Abductions
We the undersigned hereby inform all who read this we are demanding N.A.S.A. help put a STOP to the onslaught of Child and Women Abductions type in "stop" as password below to authenticate and send your addition ( case sensative ) This petition will be sent to N.A.S.A. directly and various Senators and Congressmen to inform them that we are determined to end Child and women abductions as outlined at Send this page to a friend, share it on your Face Book page, Twitter it to your followers, post notices on Craigslist The web site at ---- HTTP:// details what we are trying to get our representative in Congress to do ONLY One signature per name will be accepted and registered You must wait 60 seconds before someone else using your computer IP address can sign this petition using their own different name and email address The Info you supply will not be available to anyone online and used only when presenting the petition to the Senators and Congressmen Any comments you make will not be seen by other signers but will be seen by those who get this petition I am doing this at my own expense and I am asking for NO money for this effort - Just help getting the word out Again: type in "stop" as password below to authenticate and send your addition ( case sensative )