HBN Assembly Kentucky 0

Stop the West End TIF: Nothing About Us Without Us Campaign

542 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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542 people have signed. Add your voice!
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(Petition Note: Do not donate to ipetition.com on our behalf--we do not receive those funds)

The West End residents (both renters and homeowners) and small business owners have a new threat to their livelihood. Now that the entire West End has been established as a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district, learn what that means for current West End residents, why that’s important, and what we can do about it by watching a short 15min explainer video at www.hbnassembly.org/westendtif

We, the undersigned who are both West End residents and allies, stand together against the West End TIF---its authors, affiliates, leadership, organizations, etc. We aim to stop this TIF district from activating.

If the West End TIF district is activated, wealthy developers will be able to use West End property taxes for 20 years to make it cheaper and easier for them to build homes and rental properties for affluent future residents. This gentrification of the West End will inflate the cost of living beyond what is affordable for many current residents, inevitably forcing them to leave. Tens of thousands are expected to be displaced or dispossessed of their property based on their annual income alone. Renters and homeowners making at or under $35,000 annual median income are most vulnerable to displacement if the West End TIF is activated.

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