Stop the Stop Signs
Vern Roach 0

Stop the Stop Signs

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Vern Roach 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We need an ordinance in Carmel to ensure traffic controls are used to facilitate safe efficient traffic flow and are not used as artificial speed controls or as nuisances to cause drivers to avoid certain streets.

Too often, stop signs are emplaced because a group of residents on a street believe that a stop sign will slow traffic or make the street safer. This theory is contrary to safety studies. (see attached studies)

Most of us believe that stop signs are installed based on safety studies. That is what The City of Carmel Department of Engineering tries to do. It's also what I believe Indiana law requires. (IC 9-21-3) Those procedures however, are frequently short circuited by the emotional demands of small vocal groups petitioning city council.

Usually, when one of these groups petition for another stop sign, it's not well publicized. Also most of us are not willing to sacrifice our time over a single stop sign. Consequently, rarely do these groups have any opposition.  As a result we stop over and over for unnecessary nuisance stop signs.

It wastes time. It wastes fuel. It shortens the life of our vehicles and magnifies our environmental impact. In fact, assuming 500 cars per day, it costs motorists an estimated $4,600 a year in additional operating costs per stop sign.

Our petition follows: We petition for an ordinance in Carmel that all permanent traffic controls, (e.g. stop signs, stop lights, speed humps) installed, must be supported by a Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways safety study. We also petition that all permanent traffic controls not supported by an equivalent safety study be reviewed and if unsupported, removed within twelve months. Future petitions to emplace traffic controls that are unsupported by a traffic control study recommendation are to be denied.


I am Vern Roach. I live in Carmel and I, like most of the people I know, am tired of traffic controls that are unnecessary. As you can read in the research links, effective traffic control is achieved by exercising the least intrusive control to achieve safe traffic flow. When excessive control or unnecessary control is used, motorists feel imposed upon and frequently will ignore the traffic control device. This can lead to severe consequences involving collisions and possibly personal injury.


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