Come Together

We, the undersigned, are calling on the NDP to enter negotiations with Elizabeth May to establish a mutually beneficial agreement, as outlined in the letter below. (See French version of letter below.) Dear Jack Layton, Our country is stalled in regressive leadership. Canada stands as a bastion of neo-conservatism under Stephen Harper. We need to bring more progressive voices into Parliament at the expense of the Conservatives. Given the direction the Liberals have taken and Ignatieff's capitulation to Harper, we can hardly expect many of those forward looking voices to be Liberal. This coming election we can help make history. We have an opportunity to rise above the fray of partisan politics and deliver for voters throughout the country who stand for the environment and for social and economic justice. Our party can contribute to making gains for all of these by cooperating with the Green Party to reduce Harper's caucus and send the message that his regressive domestic and international politics do not represent the country's majority. We, the undersigned, ask that our party leadership and administration seriously consider the options available to us to form an agreement with the Green Party that increases our number of seats in Parliament. We request that our leadership enter into negotiations with Elizabeth May, as soon as possible, in order to realize the many gains a mutually beneficial agreement will deliver. We stand strong in our resolve that what we are proposing is of benefit to everyone involved as there currently are ridings where our own excellent candidates would prevail against Conservatives if they received support from Green party supporters. We urge our party's leadership to consider the many positive attributes of negotiating winning strategies for targeted ridings, including support for either a Green candidate or an NDP candidate alone to run with the support of the other party. By working together with others who hold similar socially and environmentally responsible values, we have an opportunity to build the movement that reflects the will of Canada's majority. A movement that can defeat Stephen Harper and his regressive agenda. It is our time to shine! Signed, Anne Bomford, former CVRD Regional Director Jim Bomford Chris Bowers, Editor, The Flying Shingle Newspaper Peter Dimitrov, former BCNDP Leadership Candidate Brian Fisher John Hill Richard Hughes, former CVRD Director, NDP Candidate Sharon Jackson, Duncan City Councilor Kevin Logan, former MA in BCNDP Government Phil Marchant Hugh Mcleod Jenny Mcleod Rowland Morgan, Former NDP Caucus EA Maureen Shaylor Lorraine St. James Michael Wallace, UBC Professor Emeritus Jerry West, Editor, The Record, Newspaper Muriel Wiens Nous soussignés exhortons le NDP de negocier avec Elizabeth May afin d'établir un accord mutuellement avantageux, qualifie ainsi: Cher Jack Layton, Notre pays est calé sous un gouvernement régressif. Le Canada est un bastion du néo-conservatisme sous Stephen Harper. Nous avons besoin des voix progressives contre les Conservateurs au Parlement. Ignatieff a capitule a Harper, donc nous ne pouvons prevoir de voix Liberales progressives. A la prochaine élection nous pourrons influencer la demarche de l'histoire. Nous aurons l'occasion de transcender la politique partisane et livrer aux électeurs de notre pays des solutions a l'environnement et a la justice sociale et économique. Notre parti devrait collaborer avec le Parti Vert pour réduire la majorite de Harper et pour lui expedier le message que sa politique régressive, et domestique et internationale, ne représente pas la majorité du pays. Nous soussignés demandons que la direction de notre Parti examine fort sérieusement un accord avec le Parti Vert, ce qui multipliera nos sièges au Parlement. Nous demandons que notre Parti engage des négociations avec Elizabeth May le plus tôt possible pour realiser les gains que pourra remporter un accord mutuellement avantageux. Ce que nous proposons profitera a tout le monde, puisque beaucoup de nos excellents candidats pourront vaincre leur opponents Conservateurs avec l'aide des Verts. Nous exhortons notre Parti de soutenir des candidats Verts ou NDP selon leur capabilite de vaincre les Conservateurs, et non selon leur loyaute partisane. En collaborant avec d'autres qui partagent nos valeurs socialement et écologiquement responsables, nous avons l'occasion de construire un mouvement qui reflète la volonté de la majorité au Canada. Un mouvement qui peut battre Stephen Harper et son programme régressif. Nous devons saisir le moment!