#StopTheLiesAboutMichaelJackson Twitter Campaign 29 August 2013
Sarah Ameri 0

#StopTheLiesAboutMichaelJackson Twitter Campaign 29 August 2013

99 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sarah Ameri 0 Comments
99 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear MJFam, 

As you must have noticed the media and tabloids are still active in their relentless hammering of despicable lies against Michael Jackson. This really needs to stop for once and for all. 

Even though the battle is not easy and has been ongoing, I believe that step by step we can help restore the truth, and put it forward by raising awareness. 

The goal with this petition is to rally the whole MJ Community/MJfamily in order to send a powerful message to the world by trending the following hashtag on Twitter:


Let's demonstrate all together and show the world and especially the media that we are here and that the lies are not tolerated. 

Let's make #StopTheLiesAboutMichaelJackson a trending topic on Twitter on the 29 of August 2013. 

Please sign the petition to show your support for this initiative and commitment to tweet #StopTheLiesAboutMichaelJackson on 29 AUGUST 2013 starting around 8 PM, UTC and onward. 

Thank you for your time. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! 

With L.O.V.E.

 p.s.: depending on your timezone it may already be the 30 of August for you, but tweet anyway. The most important objective is to manage to concentrate our efforts to make it a trending topic. 

Here is a useful link to convert UTC time in your local timezone: 


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