TO THE BOARD OF THE WESTERN ACADEMY OF BEIJING A.K.A. WAB This petition aims to overturn the decison by the Board of the Western Academy of Beijing to include school bus fees for ALL WAB students in its' annual school fees starting next school year, 2011-2012. Most of us live (very) local to WAB. Our students walk or bike to school accompanied by responsible and road savvy parents and guardians if the student's age requires this. We do not want, need or find it even remotely useful to have a WAB school bus for our students' daily commute to school. Therefore it is highly unjustified to include an indiscriminate school bus fee in our overall WAB fee. Our goal is to have this decision by the WAB School Board overturned and in joint discussion come to a much more effective and GREEN solution to solve traffic and safety issues around WAB. We will seriously consider further actions if deemed necessary should the WAB board not be amenable to revisiting its' decision and we have already started lobbying major WAB fee paying companies not to accept this unnecessary increase in school fees for the affected community.