Stop Americas Smoking Addiction!

Dear reader, by signing this petition you are supporting the movement to place ban on the sale and use of cigarettes in the United States. We the petition signers ask the government of the United States of America to put a ban on the sale and use of cigarettes nation wide. We believe the health of our nation is of the utmost importance. While finding a cure for lung cancer would be nice, we believe that if the main source of this disease should be eliminated, it would be the most realistic cure. The statistics show that in 1998-2000 there were 12,658 murders committed in the United States. The same Statistics showed that 440,000 annual deaths each year are smoking-associated. The American people do not allow known murderers to roam the streets freely so they might kill whomever they wish; instead, we remove them from society and hope they will never again have the chance ruin more lives. I ask you though dear reader, why do we allow a known killer such as smoking roam about freely, who has touched just about every life in America to go unpunished. While this petition does not support the right to take away personal freedoms, we find it necessary to put an end to the addiction who has gripped America so strongly. Put an end to this vile plague and end the suffering of our nation. Thank you.