Remove Styrofoam Food Trays from NYC Public School

Each day, NYC public schools serve meals on Styrofoam trays. It is estimated that 850,000 trays are used daily throughout the public schools. These trays are then thrown out, discarded, into our already overused landfills. These trays do not decompose. These trays, as they fall apart, prevent other trash from decomposing. These trays cannot be recycled. Additionally, studies suggest the possibility of chemical migration into the food our children eat each day. Demand that the NYC Department of Education find a healthier and more environmentally-friendly alternative!!! Some PS 154 parents, along with Councilman Bill de Blasio will be meeting in late June with the Executive Director or School Food and the Senior Director of Community Affairs for the NYC Dept. of Education to discuss alternatives. Please sign this petition at the attached link. The more signatures we have for the meeting the better