
Quality, healthy meals are an absolute necessity for Point Loma Nazarene Students. When there is quality food available at the cafeteria, the overall stamina and strength of your body and mind will only increase. When your stamina and strength increases, you are a happier, more productive individual.
Unfortunately, the current food provider for Point Loma Nazarene University, Sodexo, is only siphoned money from the students as they present extremely low quality food. The health effects have been detrimental for many. A great number of the students at Point Loma have shared stories about how they have literally been sick from this poor, low quality food, talking about the undercooked, sad excuse of food that Sodexo presents to cafeteria-goers. Not only this, but the hours at the school cafeteria are absolutely ridiculous. For example, on the weekends the cafeteria closes at 6:30 PM. This makes no sense. College students always have a natural tendency to eat later in the evening, and all Sodexo is doing is trying to disregard the students in order to save money. Lastly, the variety in the cafeteria is also virtually non existent. We eat the same disgusting food day after day, week after week.
We are paying an excessive amount of money for this poor excuse of meals that Sodexo throws at us. It is extremely insulting to myself as a student as well as my peers when we go to the cafeteria expecting a quality meal and Instead getting mediocre meals. The food dumped on our plate is disgusting and abominable to the student population at Point Loma Nazarene University.
We urge you to sign this petition in order to show Sodexo that we will not put up with this poor excuse for food any longer. We demand that the hours be improved as well as the quality of the food. The overall experience at Point Loma Nazarene cafeteria is horrible. Once again we urge you to sign this petition to make a change in this insult of a cafeteria.