Jason Gallo-Gaffner 0

Stop San Francisco Parking Abuse--Lower Ticket Fees By %50 AT LEAST

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jason Gallo-Gaffner 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I speak on behalf of many San Franciscans when I say it's time to change the city's parking system. SFMTA is robbing our citizens and we feel as if there is nothing we can do. Simply put SFMTA made $67,300,000--$28.9 on parking tickets, and $38.4 from meters in FY 2009-2010 ALONE (source: SFMTA)! That's a lot of zeros. At least for most of us. We've been struggling with this broken system for too many years and we need to do something about it. Whether its lowering ticket costs, making street cleaning schedules more reasonable and less confusing or adding another day along with saturdays and sundays where parking isn't regulated by certain lettered areas. 

We need to stop being taken advantage of and fight back against a corrupt system that is taking away our hard earned money day by day. No more $500 towing fees or $300 boot removal fees, no more tickets that START at $55, no more $60 late fees. Lets unite and stick it to the SFMTA. I'm asking, with this petition that ALL ticket fees be lowered by AT LEAST %50 immediately. 

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