Stop standards based Grading(free dont pay)
This is a petition for students and parents to sign to stop this unsuccessful grading system and switch back to the grading system that all colleges recognize.
From district: they say "to many students were being under served in this school district."
Response from a teacher(identity was asked to be hidden): " I believe that the school district provided adequate services to all students and parents with the available resources given."
From district: "This grading will add transparency for students, parents, and teachers."
Response from a teacher(identity was asked to be hidden):" This is a complete Lie."
----Reasons why stop-----
-You could essentially get 90% of you work done and pass but still fail the class.
-Creates confusion between parents, kids, and teacher.
- Doesn't show the actual grade that the student gets.
The system Prevents students apply for scholarships early; when the scholarships have the most money and the chances of getting it are higher, early in the year the STB system cannot generate a "letter grade", the grading system that the majority of colleges grade.
Please include you name, grade, school, and some comments with your signing.
Jacob Baxter