Howard Chudler 0

SB 74

132 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Howard Chudler 0 Comments
132 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned are request that SB74 be changed or eliminated. Below we list a variety of reasons why this is just not a good bill and will do far more damage to clients, programs and staff. Reimbursement is being lowered by the State, yet SB74 will raise costs by many thousands of dollars a year. SB74 is really aimed at a few bad apples, but punishes hundreds of people. The money has to come from somewhere, either programs will close or staff wages/benefits/training and client services have to be cut. Many vendored programs live right on the edge. Though $500,000.00 can look like a lot of money, overhead is enormous and we have to spend money meeting multiple regulations. This bill will play right into the hands of the more wealthy and powerful. They will have the money and resources to get around it or can just afford it. Smaller programs will get crushed and their business will end up going to the very people this bill probably mostly wants to target. SB74 requires only 15% of indirect costs in a budget. But the audit is an indirect cost and a big one. How fair is that? Who can benefit from this except wealthy auditors? Suspected cheaters can be targeted. Why punish the average guy? Most vendors are in enough trouble right now financially. This just adds to the burden and does NOTHING for the clients. This will lead to lay-offs and more folks on unemployment.


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