No More Child Rape, Pornography And Killing In Canada
We are sick, tired and fed up with watching child rapists, pornographers and killers walk free in Canada. Children\'s rights to be protected from these monsters should outweigh those who commit these violent crimes and are at risk to commit them again. Predators like Robert Bliss Arthurson, Clifford Olsen, Paul Bernardo, Karla Humulka and others like them should never be free to rape and kill our children again. We demand sentences exceeding the currant maximum 25 year life sentence in Canada and we demand it is harder for these monsters to be paroled. Eligibility for a serial killer to apply for parole after ten years is too soon and an insulting mockery of the victims! Child rape and pornography is wrong and the exploitation of our children must end. More must be done to protect us from reoffenders and we demand longer sentences for child rape. People who exploit children in these vile and disgusting manners should not be let loose on the public to do it again. We concerned Canadians and people from around the world demand that the Prime Minister Of Canada take our pleas before parliament and the required steps be taken to overhaul the way the Canadian justice system handles these issues. We will not stand for anymore!