MinhTam: Stop Your Teachings of Hatred & Lies

REFERENCE: Paltalk Room Minh Tam Thanh Tu Online Defendant: MinhTam Ever since Paltalk was created eight years ago, MinhTam has been using this online community to abuse thousand and thousand of people. No one really knows what her gender really is. Research shows that she is a woman but acts like a man, or a lesbian. Her room is acting like a dictatorship. MinhTam could go on and on for hours days after days to teach people about hatred. She promotes hatred among people, accused people of terrorists when they do not share her views. She called them communists, and other bad things. MinhTam has asked people to contribute to good cause like sending money to charities, etc.. the truth is she takes all of the money to herself. Please sign this petition to voice your voice of protest to this heinous way of teachings.