Stop the \"God Resolution\"

The Knox County Commission is once again considering a resolution to declare God the foundation of our national heritage and the Ten Commandments the foundation of American law. This resolution was withdrawn by a narrow margin at the November commission meeting, and has been re-submitted by Commissioner Ivan Harmon with one change - the removal of the statement that the Ten Commandments Monument recently removed from the Alabama State Supreme Court Building was \"rightfully placed there.\" The spirit and body of the resolution remain unchanged. We object to this resolution for many reasons, not the least of which is that it promotes devisiveness and intolerance in our community. Practically speaking, there are several statements in this resolution that are biased and historically inaccurate. It also viotlates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, as well as the Tennessee Constitution. It is inappropriate for the Knox County Commission to consider this resolution. We elected them to address issues such as safe neighborhoods and quality schools, not to legislate religion. This petition will be presented to the Knox County Commission prior to the February commission meeting.