Protest to stop gambling advertising
Gambling has destroyed many lives and continues to do so for those who are unable access help. Gambling is an addiction that never goes away and the Government should indentify the risks of someone getting in to gambling and stop the advertising on TV and the internet. I really dont understand why we are being encouraged to try gambling cause once you place that first bet it will destroy your life That first £10 bet will soon become more and before you know it you will have wagered thousands of pounds and lost. In this day especially people are desperate to 'earn' extra money in our recession and the adverts glamourise the fact that you could win big and encourage people to play. STOP advertising on ebay, TV and other public places. If people want to gamble they will, but dont encourage it as the country will be in a worse state then it is now and families will be destoyed. Gamblers Anonymous do a fantastic job with those who plead for help to stop their addiction a totally free service that has helped many. I wonder if the government think about the gambler in therapy when they allow advertisements on TV or sponsor TV programs like Jeremy Kyle? Like a cig to a smoker who has given up and like a drink to the alcoholic who is recovering.