Stop Breed Discrimination

Stop Breed discrimination, Stop bans on Pit-bulls It has been proven as a fact by many professionals that there is no link between aggression and a dogs breed so why ban a certain breed.It has also been proven that dogs are a mirror reflection of their owners thus its the owners fault not the dogs.Think as of you where a dog, you where beaten, trained to fight other dogs, and starved, wouldn't you attack.There are many nice pit bulls in then world so why ban them for a few pit bulls that are not well behaved. I need this petition to stop these bans on dog breeds many of these breeds are going extinct because they are banned in many place in the Uk and north america, and the only way to stop it is to get enough people to sign this petition.When this petition has reached a considerable amount of votes it would be taken up to higher authorities,So please sign this petition to stop the BSL(Breed Specific Legislation), in ontario and other parts of the world.